Speedway |
Stanley Stadium, Prescot
Road, Fairfield, Liverpool |
Merseysiders |
1936-1937 |
Chads |
1949-1953 |
Eagles |
1957 |
Pirates |
1960 |
AJE Newton
1949 Yearbook
1950 Yearbook
Angus McGuire
1951/52 Yearbook
Liverpool Speedway History
The Most Famous
Liverpool Chad Peter Craven
Mavis Boulton's Photos |
Liverpool has had 3
speedway homes but they were best known at Stanley Stadium where they
operated off and on between 1928-1960. After this length of time it
is unlikely that anyone will take a gamble and bring the sport back to
this big city. It baffles me that small market towns can support
speedway but a city like this one cannot. Why? |
Says: I lived and worked in Liverpool in 1974 I lived in Fairfield
but I never knew there had been a track nearby! |
I remember a team
nicknamed the Chads with the little figure looking over a brick wall.
Was I hallucinating or is that true. Send me a photo someone to
prove the Chads actually existed.
John |
Hi John, Great site. Liverpool were the chads in the 40s.
The story goes that prior to the creation of it someone in Liverpool
said "wot no speedway" hence Chads.
Regards Richard
AJE (Arthur) Newton |
AJE Newton 1946 Hoylake. |
Phil says: AJE ran a 250cc Sunbeam combi for our family of 5. |
Phil Newton says: My Dad was a Golden Helmet Dirt Track winner at
the Stanley Track Liverpool about 1925
I've a photo of him in Bligh Street, Wavertree, Liverpool, seated
on his AJS about 1927 I have also a photo
of him at the IOM races in 1930 with “Sprouts” Griffiths in what
looks like a Charabanc.
He used
his track bike for work as well.
He was also into Grass track at Formby, Ainsdale studding his own
tyres with bolts for grip.
With his left arm in a sling in the photo left. In a track
accident about then he broke his collar bone and the doc on the
track set it overlapping instead of end on, so his violin playing
was curtailed with a collar bone lump. He also had a left 3rd
finger swimming accident and a piece of cast iron embedded in the
palm of his left hand in an apprentice blacksmiths accident.
He could have turned pro but kept to gas fitting through 2 world
wars and a depression.
This didn’t prevent him playing Scott Joplin piano playing and
teaching me the violin as a youngster from whence I became a music
My parents were married in Liverpool
in 1927 by which time he'd been
a gas fitter/plumber since aged 14.
The track was recently built over with housing [2016] and I
salvaged a brick from some of the wall left
Near an entrance /turnstile on the main Prescot rd.
Phil Newton 28th March 2018
John says: Phil mentions
photos but I haven't received any from him so I will ask him to
send them to me. |
Many pics etc now received
from Phil, they follow below:- |
Phil Newton says: My Dad above was a Golden Helmet Dirt Track
winner at the Stanley Track L/pool about 1925
Iv a photo of him in Bligh st Wavertree L/pool [Bligh st ]
seated on his AJS about 1927
[also a photo at the IOM races in 1930 with “Sprouts”
Griffiths in what looks like a Charabanc.
He used this track bike for work as well.
He was also into Grass track at Formby Ainsdale studding his
own tyres with bolts for grip.
With his left arm in a sling in the photo left -A track
accident about then broke his collar bone and the doc on the
track set it
Overlapping instead of end on so his violin playing was
curtailed with a collar bone lump.
He also had a left 3rd finger swimming accident and
a piece of cast iron embedded in the palm of his left hand
In an apprentice blacksmiths accident .
He could have turned pro but kept to gas fitting through 2
world wars and a depression.
This didn’t prevent him playing Scott Joplin piano playing and
teaching me the violin as a youngster from whence I became a
music teacher.
My parents were married in L/pool in 1927 by which time hed
been a gas fitter plumber since aged 14.
The track was recently built over with housing [2016] and I
salvaged a brick from some of the wall left
Near an entrance /turnstile on the main Prescot rd.
Phil Newton
AJE Newton, Huyton 1948/9 |
Newton says: My sister Marian Newton..centre ..dark dress ..my
dad .AJE Newton on far right .Mr Townshend chief chemist l of
Pool gas Co.on far left. At Iom TT races . 1952? . |
Phil Newton says: Bold St photo.l.pool 1948.newton family AJE far
right |
DIY Caravan |
Aerial Map of the Fairfield
Track |
Opening Advert |
Geoff Taylor |
Newspaper Report |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
1936 |
1936: Liverpool Can you supply the names
John |
Bill Walsh (NZ) says: Just
picked up on these- -- in case no one else has come good with
them--- I think the rider on the left is a young Ernie Price. The
shorter rider with the wild hair cut number 4 across is I believe
Jack Hargreaves and far right is Oliver Hart. Those three started
riding together at Belle Vue according to the book" Harts of Coppull." Jack was
killed in a road accident in 1942.Cheers. Bill |
Nigel Trafford says:- While
browsing the site I found this picture of my grandad. He is Tommy Price, he is the one on the bike. I believe he
was the captain. |
Bob Bath says: Hi John I can confirm the rider on the far right is Oliver Hart.
Cheers Bob |
My name is Danny Lewis, grandson of Norman Murray
who raced speedway in the Liverpool area and for Belle Vue aces as well I
believe that the picture 1936 of the Liverpool team includes my granddad as well
I am pretty sure he is the tallest one stood behind the captain Tommy Price
who is sitting on the bike. |
Nigel Bird says:
Far left Ernie Price, on bike Tommy Price, tall rider behind him is Eric Blain,
next to Blain with the wild hair is Jack Hargreaves, far right is Olly Hart. Not
sure about the other 2, Stan Hart was a permanent fixture in the team that year
so I assume he is one of the others?.. Others to ride that year included Alan
and Eric Butler and Sid Plevin. I do not recognise the other 2 as one of the
Butler brothers (I have photos). |
Nigel Bird
says: John, Update, I've just had a look at a photo of the 1937 Merseysiders
(Book, Speedway in Manchester) and compared them with the 1936 photo. Now I
would certainly not put money on it, but the rider 2nd from right is I believe
Stan Heart, the rider 2nd from left is maybe Len Eyre? |
Tommy Murphy |

Courtesy of Richard Austin |
Chad Badge |
Mavis Boulton's Photos |
Programme |
Programme courtesy of Stef |
1949 |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Speedway History |
Richard Austin writes: Dirt
Track racing later referred to as speedway, enjoyed an on again off again
following with Merseyside sports fans. Liverpool speedway ran
intermittently from 1928-1960; teams were the Merseysiders, Chads, Eagles
and Pirates. Pre-war teams included such notable riders as Ginger Lees,
Eric Blain and probably a first in speedway, six brothers riding on the
same team Tommy & Ernie Price, Oliver & Stan Hart, Eric & Alan Butler.
Stanley Stadium, Prescot Road, was Liverpool’s home track, primary a
greyhound racing facility, dog racing took place on Saturday nights,
Monday was speedway night. Stanley Stadium, an ideal location, near a
number of regular bus routes and a railway line, the track was one of the
largest within the sport a quarter mile, flat with no real banking, a red
shale surface, rather tight bends and long "straight aways". |
1949-1953 |
Following the end of the second war, speedway was reborn in Liverpool,
11 April 1949, Stanley Stadium, the first meeting against Hanley, drew a
crowd of over 9,000 to see the Chads beaten 42-66, but speedway racing was
back. The 1949 Chads team, Harry Welch, Stan Bedford, Alex Gray, George
Bason, Charlie Oats, Tom Turnham, Fred Wills, and Ernie Steers. |
following year 1950, my Dad took me to see the Chads ride, from then on; I
was a speedway fan for life. My young life centered around Monday nights
at Stanley when the Chads rode. I would hope and hope on Mondays that it
wouldn't rain, and that my Dad would be back home early enough from his
work to take my brother and me to the track. Chad team line up for season
1951 listed Peter Robinson, Alf Webster, "Buck" Whitby, Len Read, Reg
Duval, Peter Craven, Bill Griffith, George Newton, Harry Welch Captain. |
Craven rode for the Chads at the time as reserve and team rider,
but he never seemed to be at home on the big Stanley track.
Eventually Peter was given a free transfer in 1952 to the Belle Vue Aces, were he became a big
star winning the Would Championship twice, 1955 & 1962. In 1952, the team
casualty list reached alarming proportions; almost every rider was on the
injured reserve list at one time or another, causing an ongoing unbalanced
team with strengths and weakness. At the end of the season, the Chads
finished second to bottom of the League table, Don Potter a new signing,
proved to be a valued team member, 6.2 for 30 league appearances, top
rider again team Captain Peter Robinson averaged 8.4. |
1953 Programme Courtesy of
Graham Gleave |
1953 season opened, two Chad riders, Reg Duval and Len Read requested
transfers, Reg moved to the Coventry Bees, Len to Ipswich. Replacements
riders Tommy Anderson and Cyril Cooper became Chads, the “new look” team
included Peter Robinson (Capt.) Tommy Allott, Bill Griffith, Fred
Wills, Harry Welch & J. Greenwood (res). The Chads still in
Division 2, the much hoped for, a big star rider signing never
materialized. Local advertising/promotion of the team was really
nonexistent, while the local paper, Liverpool Echo, continued to
ignore the team and speedway in general. |
New Cross
speedway closed in 1953, speculation was rife, Liverpool promoters
might sign a number of the ex new Cross riders. Liverpool would
then move up to Division 1 racing and complete the remaining open
new Cross fixtures, never happened. Suddenly, it was
announced June 1953, the Liverpool team was up for sale, the
reason, the track promotion by a London based company, Southern
Speedway LTD, the management claimed it was becoming challenging
to manage racing in Liverpool from such a long distance in
London. The remote track management was probably a contributing
factor, to a lack of understanding of the Liverpool market and the
local fan base. An investment of 3,900 pounds you could become the
new Liverpool speedway promoter, price included Stanley Stadium
lease, Tractors, Rollers, Graders, Brooms, Lights, Starting Gate,
Safety fence etc., etc., a complete speedway team, plus junior |
Following the Liverpool closure a number attempts was made to reopen
speedway, the greyhound committee was all in favor of speedways return,
even showing a willingness to upgrade the track and improve the
facilities. Mr. W. A. Coats a local Liverpool businessman having prior
promotion interests with Wigan Speedway, Woodhouse Lane Stadium, looked to
have secured the promotion agreements, but it fell through. Two other
attempts, one included ex Belle Vue rider Dent Oliver and another,
businessman/rider partnership with Peter Robinson and Oliver Hart, also
failed to bring speedway back to Merseyside. |
1956 |
Speedway Press reported January 18th, Johnnie Hoskins manger of
the Belle Vue Aces was active in a new bid to revive speedway on
Merseyside. The plan, to race a meeting every other Monday beginning in
April, the first season run “open” with star riders from the First and
Second divisions making up first half of the meeting . While the after
interval, running six novice races. Johnnie’s Liverpool team would be
drawn from promising Belle Vue based novices, plus a couple of veteran
Chad riders. Peter Craven winning the 1955 World Speedway Championship
would also have helped to generate a renewed interest in the sports return
to Liverpool. The Hoskins plan failed |
1957 |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
1957, the great ex Chad rider Reg Duval promoted speedway at Stanley
Stadium, a new team, the Liverpool Eagles. Opening night April 22,
speedway was back, a crowd of 11,000 saw Liverpool’s own “mighty atom”
Peter Craven overall winner of the Easter Trophy meeting. Unfortunately
the open license promotion failed after seven meeting due mainly to the
combined opposition from a number of rival narrow minded speedway
promoters. Making unrealistic demands on the new Duval speedway promotion
such as rider restrictions and appearance money. The position taken by
these outside promoters was truly amazing and short signed. Speedway at
the time was going through a depression; tracks were closing, only eleven
teams were running in the National League. |
speedway visionary, Johnnie Hoskins, Belle Vue manager was certainly all
for the Liverpool/Duval promotion, viewing a golden opportunity to tap
into speedway inner-city rivalry. The Liverpool closure also deprived
local riders of track booking, one cause for riders drop out of the sport,
insufficient meetings to make riding speedway a full time occupation. |
1959-1961 |
1959, promoter and midget car driver Mike Parker announced a plan to bring
speedway back to Liverpool, within a newly formed Provincial League.
Parker and rider Reg Fearman were joint league promoters other tracks
Bristol, Rayleigh, Poole, Edinburgh, Yarmouth, Bradford Sheffield, Stoke
and Cradley Heath. The new League concept, revive the sport, provide both
local riders and junior riders the opportunity to break into the sport,
within actual race conditions. Later on in the year 1959, Parker ran a
couple of “open” meeting at Stanley featuring speedway solos, side cars
and Midgets (speed cars). |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Presenting the 1960 Liverpool team line up, it was obvious that Parker
held true to the original League policy, providing junior riders track
time, and career opportunity. The Liverpool team nicknamed the Pirates,
listed Captain Dave Gerrad, Brain Craven, Peacock, Derek Skyner, Norman
Murray, Roy Peacock, Bert Edwards, and Bill Davies. The teams new nickname
the Pirates, in my view an error since all speedway fans; know that the
Poole team was always known as the Pirates. Even though the Liverpool
Chads had closed down, mid season in 1953, the Chad name still retained
recognition with the Merseyside speedway fans. |
The only
experienced rider on the newly formed Pirates team, Brian Craven,
who immediately became the major point contributor, unfortunately Brian
suffered ankle injury in May, putting him out of action until late August.
Parker tried out a number of riders in an effort to provide stability and
much needed experience, veteran riders Bryce Subritsky & Wal Morton were
brought into the team... Wal became the top point’s contributor on the
Pirates; he was familiar, with the Stanley track, riding against the Chads
while on the Bradford team back in the fifties. Its worth noting, in 1937,
riding for Bristol, Wal held the track record at Stanley, 4 lap clutch
start 84..2/5 secs. When Speedway (Chads) at Stanley closed around July
1953, the 4 lap clutch start record was then held by Tommy Allott, 75 2/5
secs. Bryce also became a valued team rider, however unrealistic to expect
two riders to carry the whole team, still comprised mainly of junior. The
Pirates rode weekly against race ready teams, with veteran team riders
such as Hockaday, Redmond, Fearman, Middleditch, Gilbertson, Bastable,
Roper, Templeton, Harris, Cox, Reeves, Lansdale, Pymar etc |
Pirates won just four of their fourteen Provincial League appearances; the
Parker promotion received marginal fan support while hardcore fans
continued to support the team, casual speedway fans started to drift away.
The Pirates ranked second team from the bottom at the end of the 1960
season. Bradford the one team were management persisted with
inexperienced novice and junior riders, resulted in the team finishing the
season at the bottom of the Provincial League table. |
1961 |
February 1961, the directors of Northern Speedway LTD, Messrs Mike Parker
and Reg Fearman announced the closure of Liverpool speedway, no surprise,
and fans had stayed away, no support for another loosing team, the history
of Liverpool speedway itself repeating once again. Merseyside speedway
fans never had a winning team to support, no big named riders, just the
Chads, for a short time the Eagles, finally the Pirates. Local speedway
fans might speculate, “if”, Liverpool promoters had built a solid team
around a franchise rider such as Split Waterman or a Jack Young, would
speedway still be thriving on Merseyside? |
Consider, just 40 miles away, rival city Manchester, had the Aces, riding
and winning in the National League. The mighty Belle Vue Aces, a club
steeped in speedway history, a loyal fan base, citywide promotion and
advertising, and support from local press, ironically the Aces at the
time, were led by Liverpool’s own, the great Peter Craven. |
Speedway would never return to Liverpool, the big Stanley Stadium was
eventually demolished; the site is now occupied by a Fruit and Vegetable
market. |
Austin |
Speedway and Speedcars |
The right hand programme
cover shows: - Chief Paddock Marshall: Brian Craven. Brian
was the elder brother of Peter Craven. Brian will be
remembered by fans of Stoke and Newcastle |
The Stadium? Possibly |
I have received this aerial
picture from my friend Graham Gleave. The picture appears to
be of Fairfield and there is an outline of a track. Was
Liverpool's track big/wide like this photo?
John |
Liverpool Speedway Official
Yearbook 1949 |
Liverpool Chads
1949 Booklet |
John says: I am, as
most of you will by now know, a Newcastle Speedway fan from 1961
so I was pleased to see the small pic of Brian Craven and Geoff
Newman. Brian Craven was my first boyhood hero er until Ivan
Mauger came along in 1963 and joined the Diamonds. I then
had two speedway heroes Brian and Ivan. Back to the
Liverpool Chads |
My thanks to Graham Gleave
for supplying me with photocopies of Liverpool's 1949 Yearbook.
I have scanned Grahams photocopies and the results are shown above |
I just can't get my head
around why a big city like Liverpool cannot supply enough people
to support a summertime weekly sport (speedway) |
1949 |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Speedway Official 1950 Yearbook
World Championship round at
Liverpool. Left to Right (Front Row) Mick Mitchell (Swindon)
Bob Lovell (Glasgow). Back Row : - Gerald Jackson (Rayleigh)
Stig Pramberg (Sweden) and Jack Gordon (Sheffield) |
All smart and correctly
dressed, awaiting the start of another meeting. They are (left to
right) Alf Webster, Angus McGuire and Percy Brine. |
My thanks to Graham Gleave,
for sending me these items. He sends me photocopies of the
prized possessions in his collection. I have decided to
include the somewhat lengthy Liverpool Chads Yearbooks (well most
of the pages anyway) as my Liverpool webpage is likely to be a bit
sparse reflecting the all to brief, involvement in speedway at
Liverpool. |
Wot! No Speedway in
Liverpool Since 1960! |
Angus McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
The Liverpool Speedway
Official 1951-1952 Year Book
John says What!:
A "Yearbook" which covers 2 years 1951 and 1952! surely in
should have been called a 2 year book!
John says: Yes my team
Newcastle Diamonds folded in 1951 and I have always wondered why,
I am way too young I was born in 1952! The 1951
Entertainment tax must have signaled the end for a number of
speedway promotions. |
Wot! No Speedway in
Liverpool Since 1960! |
The Liverpool Yearbook's
shown above were supplied by Graham Gleave. The Liverpool
page is now a good read. I am looking for more pictures of
good quality, so if you have some good photos please get in touch
John |
1952 |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Memories |
Geoff Dearden says: I followed the Chads when
I was a lad in the early 1950's. My mum wouldn't let me go unless I'd
finished my school homework, so I can thank the Chads for helping to
complete my education. The first time we went to the Stanley Road track,
we thought we had found a great spec at the front of one of the bends.
Not many people there, and we thought we were lucky to have found the
perfect spot, until the riders roared around the track, covering us in
wet red shale, much to the amusement of the other spectators. I
well-remember Charlie Oates and also two other riders - Doug Sururier (a
South African, I believe) and Angus Maguire, our favourite. I've not
seen their names mentioned in any of the articles on the Chads, and
wonder whether you have any knowledge of them.
I often wonder whether
speedway would have a re-birth in Liverpool (make a great change from
football); it would need a brave speculator with money and a track which
would need to accommodate hundreds of cars. Perhaps Tesco could be
persuaded to front a track at Kirkby, now that Everton won't be going.
I enjoyed reading your
article and seeing the pictures. It certainly took me back to the
sights, sounds and smells of the Speedway at Liverpool.
Kind regards,
Geoff Dearden (aged 74 and
still going strong)
Bill Hughes says:
Just looking at your web page brings back memories, my dad used to work
there as a commissionaire in the clubhouse he used to go straight there
from his day job. And I was about 11 and used to take flask and sandwiches
.I would be allowed to watch the speedway thought it was great, what I
remember as u say the smell from the track I suppose the smackheads of
today would say its puts u on a high ha ha? I remember the music at end of
night but can't think what it was called I used to march out of stadium to
it ha ha once again nice web site. |
Programmes |
Courtesy of Richard Austin |

Courtesy of Richard Austin |
Chads programme (left) and Eagles
programme (Right)
Courtesy of Richard Austin |
More Liverpool Programme
Covers |
Courtesy of Tom Roe |
The Chads Visit Belfast |
Dunmore 1950 |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Courtesy of Janet McGuire |
Peter Craven The Most Famous "Chad" |
The unmistakable style of Peter Craven. The dark helmet
colour would indicate that Peter was riding at home so this is a
glimpse of what may have been the Liverpool track? |
Peter Craven. Very
young in this picture. Who would have guessed that the little
Liverpudlian kid in the photo would have gone on to win the world
championship twice 1955 & 1962 and that
his life would tragically come to an end in 1963 aged just 29. |
Reg Duval |
Courtesy of Richard Austin |
Len Read
Courtesy of Richard Austin |
Harry Welch
Harry Welch The Chad's
highest-point scorer |
Courtesy of Richard Austin |
Harry with his wife
Another pic of Harry. All pictures
of Harry Welch are courtesy of Richard Austin |
Derek Glover |

Courtesy of Richard Austin |
1951 Chads

Courtesy of Richard Austin
Standing.....Peter Robinson, Alf Webster,
"Buck" Whitby, Len Read, Reg Duval, Peter Craven, Bill Griffith, George
Newton & Phil Hughes (team manger) Front....(on bike) Harry Welch
(captain) |
Richard Austin's Miscellaneous
George Newton |
Bill Griffiths |
Eric Smith
Courtesy of Richard Austin
Hello John, My name is Roger Smith, the eldest son of Eric Smith. I
am pleasantly surprised and grateful to see a picture of dad on
your website. We still have the Chads race jacket I believe at
mum's. She is 82 and dad sadly died twenty years ago from a heart
condition. If you didn't know, then he was from Bradford and rode
at Odsal and helped start up The Dukes at The Shay in Halifax.
Mum spoke fondly of their nights in Liverpool and made some good
friends. I shall try and ask what she can remember of Stanley
Park. Best Regards, Roger. |
Don Potter |
Courtesy of Richard Austin |
Is this the same Don Potter who later turned promoter? |
Richard Austin Says:
Regarding the photo I supplied of
Don Potter (Liverpool section). Yes, Don did turn promoter he was involved
with trying to get Wigan up and running. |
Liverpool Speedway For Sale! |
Courtesy of Richard Austin
Liverpool v Swindon |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Doug Serrurier |
Both Photo's Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Angus McGuire |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Liverpool Team |
Liverpool Article |
Roy Peacock & Roy Maddock |
1959 |
Liverpool v Norwich |
Liverpool Pirates |
1960 "Wot No More Speedway"! was the end of Liverpool
Speedway. The sport needs successful big city clubs and
Liverpool should have been a rock solid base like Manchester |
Merseyside Trophy |
2nd May 1960 |
Courtesy of Tom Roe |
Liverpool Pirates Badge
1960 |
Courtesy of David Turner |
Pirates Plus 3 |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Bryce Subritzky |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
Why Liverpool Closed Down |
Courtesy of Graham Gleave |
If you can add to Liverpool's
story or can scan any pictures, programmes or badges send
me an email John |
The contents of the site are © and should not be
reproduced elsewhere for financial gain. The contributors to this site
gave the pictures and information on that understanding. If anyone has
any issue or objections to any items on the site please
and I will amend or remove the item. Where possible credit
has been given to the owner of each item. |